Eco Fair 2023
Eco Fair - Saturday 1 July 2023
Organised by Sustainable Epsom and Ewell in conjunction with St. Martin of Tours Church, Epsom.
Saturday 1 July, 10am-2pm.
Our Eco Fair is a great opportunity to discover a wide range of local (and not so local) green groups, businesses and campaigns.
Please see below for details of the stalls and children's activities which were present at the Eco Fair.
Range of stalls
There was a wide range of stalls at the Eco Fair including:
Sustainable Epsom and Ewell - Come along and meet the Sustainable Epsom and Ewell team, learn about ways to reduce your environmental impact and help us lobby for action and change! Browse our website for more information about living sustainably in Epsom and Ewell or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Dr Bike - Bring your bike along for a free cycle check. The full list of bike parts that are checked during a Dr Bike session can be viewed on the Epsom and Ewell Cycling Action Group website. After checking your bike, cyclists are given a Dr Bike checklist so that, after you have been shown how to use it, you can check your own bike every month or so.
The Floating Refillery - The Floating Refillery is a zero waste refill shop on a refurbished milk float which sets up at various locations around Epsom and Ewell. They stock a range of cleaning and bathroom products as well as dried store cupboard foods such as pasta, pulses and dried fruits. Bring your own containers to refill! Check The Floating Refillery facebook/ @the_floating_refillery instagram pages for details on where to find them when they are not at the Eco Fair as times and locations may change.
Epsom and Ewell Tree Advisory Board - The Epsom & Ewell Tree Advisory Board (EETAB) is a well-established volunteer group helping to safeguard the Borough's trees. Come along and find out about the practical work EETAB carry out and how you can help. Their projects include: planting in parks and schools, protecting existing trees in the Borough and promoting tree planting projects, particularly the replacement of street trees.
Elms over Epsom - Elms over Epsom are a local group planting disease resistant elms back into the Epsom tree-scape. They locate and identify surviving elms in Epsom and beyond. They share the locations to other experts to help with elm research and raise awareness of our elm heritage. Epsom can boast surviving trees of all the traditional types as well as modern DEDresistant varieties. You can follow Elms over Epsom on Facebook.
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council - Meet the Environment and Sustainability Project Officer from our local borough Council and find out about the Council's plans to reduce their carbon emissions. For more information see the Council's website.
Epsom Repair Café - Find out more about Epsom's Repair Café which is open on the 3rd Saturday of the month between 2pm-5pm at Epsom Methodist Church.
BeesMAX (M Gale member of Epsom Beekeepers) - Come along and meet local beekeeper Mark Gale to find out more about his beehive at St Martins Primary School and his organisation BeesMAX , Look on his YouTube channel for more information about reversing the decline of the UK bee population. There will be a short video to watch and real honey comb to see.
Epsom Common Association - The Epsom Common Association supports the preservation and protection of Epsom Common, a Local Nature Reserve and Site of Special Scientific Interest. The Ecovols is the volunteer group of the Epsom Common Association, who carry out a variety of conservation projects on the Common throughout the year.
Epsom and Ewell Borough Council Countryside Team - The Countryside Team is responsible for managing biodiversity and improving public access on Epsom Common Local Nature Reserve, Horton Country Park Local Nature Reserve and the Hogsmill Local Nature Reserve in accordance with the site management plans. In addition, the Team coordinate the delivery of the Epsom & Ewell Local Biodiversity Action Plan and comment on planning applications in reference to their impact on the borough’s biodiversity.
Lower Mole Partnership - The Lower Mole Partnership comprises boroughs, districts and other organisations and has been in existence since 1983. It was the first countryside management project to be established in the north Surrey area. The Partnership has built up a large and enthusiastic, dedicated volunteer group which carries out a wide range of practical conservation tasks. They implement improvements to the local countryside, 3 days a week (Tues, Weds, Thurs), whatever the weather, throughout the year.
Terracycle - A representative from our local Hookfield Terracycle collection point will be available to answer your questions about the wide range of Terracycle recycling schemes and collection points in our borough.
Surrey Climate Commission - Surrey Climate Commission is an independent body playing a key role in supporting and guiding the transition of the county of Surrey towards a carbon neutral future. Find out more about the baseline study they published in 2021 which identifies the primary causes of emissions in Surrey.
Surrey's Wildflowering Project - Surrey's Wildflowering Project is a community-led initiative aimed to build a partnership that enables wildflowering in our county as well as promoting and celebrating the borough's/district's diverse environments.
Surrey Wildlife Trust - Surrey Wildlife Trust is a local charity working to connect and protect nature across our county. Find out more about the work they do to protect wildlife across Surrey, both on their nature reserves and through their work with others.
Home Energy Efficiency - Find out how to improve the efficiency of your home using simple, inexpensive measures.
Surrey Pension Act Now - Surrey Pension Act Now (SPAN) are calling for Surrey County Council's Pension Fund to remove the pension funds from investments in fossil fuels. "Surrey Pension Fund is using tax payer money to fund climate breakdown and the destruction of ecosystems that life on earth depends on."
Flight Free UK - Flight Free UK was set up in 2018 to challenge people to take a year off flying to reduce emissions and shift the norm away from aviation. Will you pledge to go Flight Free?
CPRE - Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE) is a charity which is passionate about making the countryside a better place for everyone to live, work and enjoy. Find out about their Rooftop Solar campaign, and work they do to protect the Green Belt.
Epsom Rotary Club - Volunteers from Epsom Rotary Club will share their experiences of working on the Rotary allotment plot, growing vegetables and fruit for Epsom Pantry.
Roots Vegan Food - Roots Vegan Streetfood van will be onsite serving 100% plant based gourmet street food.
Tea, Coffee and Cake stall
Plant Stall
Children's Activities
There was a range of children's activities taking place at the Eco Fair including:
3rd Epsom Scouts - Members of the 3rd Epsom Scouts group will run an activity where our younger visitors can make biodegradeable plant pots.
Grow Cook Enjoy - Sharing information taught at their popular Pollinator Workshops, Grow Cook Enjoy will also offer the opportunity to make a bee drinker.
Judging of our Pollinator Poetry and Poster Competitions
Entries to our Pollinator Poetry and Poster Competitions were judged at 12pm with the winning entries being announced shortly afterwards.
Full details of the competition and copies of the winning entries can be found here.
Event location information
The Eco Fair took place at St Martin of Tours Church, Church Street, Epsom, KT17 4PX.
The Church is only a short distance from the town centre and we encourage you to travel there on foot, by bike or public transport!
There is a small area for bicycles to be locked up in the walled area by Church House to the left of the car park in front of the church.